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Carretillas Elevadoras Segunda Mano Intruck Ingles

Company Data

The identification data for the company managing this WEBSITE are as follows:

INTRUCK Carretillas Elevadoras, S.L.
C/ Carlos Jimenez Díaz, nº 13, Parc. 150
Pol.Ind. De la Garena
28806 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
Tel.: 902 540 031

Entered in the Register of Companies of Guipuzcoa in volume 2164, folio 96, page SS-25586 and document nº 1/2005/4.091,0. Tax Number: B-20.875.811.




Intruck Carretilla Elevadoras S.L. - C/ Alejandro Goicoechea 1 - 28806 Alcala de Henares (Madrid) -